Unlock the power of Jakarta EE with these awesome resources!

Jakarta EE is an open source platform for developing enterprise Java applications. It is the successor to the popular Java EE platform, and provides an extensive set of APIs and tools for building enterprise applications.

In this article, we’ll provide some of the most helpful resources for getting started or becoming highly productive with this powerful platform. Let’s dive in!

Introduction to Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE is the open source version of the Java EE platform, developed by the Eclipse Foundation. It is a standards-based platform for developing enterprise Java applications. It provides a set of APIs and tools to help developers build robust enterprise applications.

The benefits of using Jakarta EE are numerous. It is a mature platform that provides a stable and reliable foundation for enterprise application development. Furthermore, it is an open source platform, which means that developers can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the entire Java community.

In addition, Jakarta EE is backed by an extensive range of commercial vendors, who offer a range of services and products to help developers get the most out of the platform. This includes enterprise application servers, integrated development environments (IDEs), and cloud-based tools.

Getting Started with Jakarta EE

Getting started with Jakarta EE is easy. All you need is a basic understanding of the Java language and a few basic tools. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): This is the software used to compile and run Java programs. You can download a JDK from many sources. We suggest following this guide to get you up and running.
  • Jakarta EE application server, runtime or framework: This is the software used to run Jakarta EE applications. Popular application servers include GlassFish, Payara, WildFly, JBoss EAP, and WebLogic.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): This is the software used to write Java programs. Popular IDEs include Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans IDE.

Once you have the necessary tools, you can start writing Java programs and deploying them on an application server.

Now that you’re familiar with Jakarta EE, let’s look at some of the best resources available for learning and developing with Jakarta EE.

General Info about Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE Documentation

Jakarta EE Examples

Maven Jakarta EE Resources


Jakarta EE Learning Resources

  • Airhacks.fm – by Adam Bien
  • The Stackd Podcast, a.k.a The Enterprise Java Newscast in the past – by Kito Mann, Josh Juneau, Daniel Hinojosa, Ian Hlavats
  • Off Heap – by Freddy Guime, Bob Paulin, Michael Minella, Josh Juneau

Jakarta EE Video Channels

Jakarta EE presentations

  • Jakarta EE 10 Feature by Feature by Ivar Grimstad (at JBCNConf 2022)

  • Jakarta EE 10 Simplicity for Modern and Lighweight Cloud Applications by Ivar Grimstad (at Devoxx Belgium 2022)

  • Optimize your applications to the max with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile by by Edwin Derks (at EclipseCon 2022)

  • Explore the new Jakarta EE Core Profile – Rudy De Busscher (at JakartaOne 2022)

Jakarta EE Tools and Extensions

CDI Extensions


  • JCA Cloud Connectors – standards-based connectivity to common Cloud infrastructure (Apache Kafka, Amazon SQS, MQTT, Azure Service Bus) by Payara


  • Arquillian – a highly extensible testing platform for the JVM by Red Hat. It enables developers to easily create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware. It provides extra-light containers to test your code against major Jakarta EE application servers and containers
  • MicroShed Testing – integration tests for Java microservice applications using containers (Docker)


Jakarta EE is a powerful platform for developing enterprise Java applications. It provides a comprehensive set of APIs and tools for building robust enterprise applications. It is an open source platform, backed by an extensive range of commercial vendors.

If you’re looking to unlock the power of Jakarta EE, then be sure to check out the amazing resources that we provided in this blog post. Most of them are also included in the Awesome Jakarta EE Resources site, where you can even suggest some other useful Jakarta EE resources via a Github pull request yourself!

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